Beta Zeta Zeta Chapter members contribute to the betterment of their community and society as a whole in the form of service. Since our beginning, the Chapter has sought to address issues and concerns of society.
Beta Zeta Zeta Chapter has focused on projects that advance and support women and girls, promote healthy babies, develop our youth and improve the lives of senior citizens. Whether feathering our first ‘Stork’s Nest’; collecting towels for the YWCA Shelter; walking with the March of Dimes, American Cancer Association, or the local Diabetes Association; hosting a pavilion at the Midwest Black Family Reunion; adopting families for the holidays; buying rice or water wells in Africa; visiting the elderly; hosting a health fair or passing out school supplies, or raising awareness about Triple Negative Breast Cancer Awareness, Beta Zeta Zeta Chapter and its Amicae and youth auxiliaries spend countless hours giving back to the community.
Beta Zeta Zeta Chapter participates in social action activities to foster citizen engagement and strengthen relationships among the community, elected officials, law enforcement and educators. Beta Zeta Zeta Chapter is a lifetime member of the NAACP and its members are affiliated with the local Pan-Hellenic Chapter and the National Council of Negro Women.
To get involved with Beta Zeta Zeta’s Service activities please click here.